Keeping your personal information private In order to be in a position to provide our service to you, we need to collect some of your personal information and data. Typically, we need to know:
1. Your name and full postal address(es). 2. Landline and mobile telephone numbers. 3. Email address(es). 4. We may need to collect Wi-Fi details and passwords. 5. Details of utility accounts including contract details. 6. Vehicle details. 7. Insurance details and policies for both properties and vehicles. 8. Further vehicle details such as MOT & tax renewal dates. 9. Details of any maintenance contracts for appliances and services in the house, which themselves may contain personal details. 10. We may collect passcode or passwords for appliances/alarms or online accounts. 11. We may take photographs of the property and appliances which may divulge personal information.
How we obtain the personal information and why we have it. Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you for one of the following reasons:
1. To allow us to contact you and to pass on your contact information to 3rd parties with your permission. 2. The information is required by us to enable us to help manage your property as part of our service offering. 3. To do this we are required to pass on your contact information to 3rd party contractors, to allow them to arrange to visit when required or to provide products or services as part of our management service. 4. To contact utility suppliers to update them on utility usage or to consider other contracts. 5. To enable us to access on line accounts on your behalf for example to submit meter readings or update account information. 6. We may need to renew or update contracts on your behalf as part of our service to you.
We may share this information with contractors or suppliers to enable us to carry out our service to you. For example, if we were organising the purchase and delivery of an item for you we would require to give your name and address and telephone number to this supplier.
Lawful Basis Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information is:
• Your consent. • You are able to remove your consent at any time. • You can do this by contacting Diarmid Mackenzie Smith on +44 (0) 7785 594066
How we store your personal information Your information is securely stored on our electronic database (when applicable), on our computers and on paper files. These are all held at our office at our registered address. In order for us to be able to provide our service on your behalf, the information is held for the duration of our contract with you. At the end of our contract all your personal information as detailed above, will be destroyed, by deleting all soft copies and by shredding all paper copies (subject to the requirement to keep business accounts for a number of years).
Your data protection rights Under data protection law, you have rights including:
Your right of access - You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information.
Your right to rectification - You have the right to ask us to rectify personal information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.
Your right to erasure - You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances.
Your right to restriction of processing - You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.
Your right to object to processing - You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.
Your right to data portability - You have the right to ask that we transfer the personal information you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.
You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights. If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you.
Please contact us at Diarmid Mackenzie Smith, Vesta Home Care, Newrow, Methven, Perthshire PH1 3RE Telephone +44 (0) 7785 594066 if you wish to make a request.
How to complain If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at Diarmid Mackenzie Smith, VestaHomeCare, Newrow, Methven, Perthshire PH1 3RE Telephone +44 (0) 7785 594066
You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data.
The ICO’s address: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF